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Training jambuls for competitions.

Every hobbyist looks forward to good performance from their birds. This is natural for everyone but many forget that birds are the same as humans and many animals - there is learning and training. Getting the right bird does not mean that the owner does not need to put effort into training the bird.


Why need to train a jambul for competition? Here are some reasons:


1) enable the bird to get used to humans and human activities.


2) tame the bird down so that it does not get afraid of loud sounds, human crowd and the presence of many other stranger birds.


3) stablize the bird so that it can follow its nature as a song and display bird when it is not afraid of loud sounds, humans and other birds.


4) constantly raises and maintains a high level of fierceness in the bird.


For hobbyists who are not serious about training their birds and expect their birds to win, they will never understand and grasp the term "practice makes perfect".


Taking into assumption that the bird is a good bird, it's performance is always a reflection of the care and training efforts of the owner. In summary, if you do not provide champion care and training, you cannot expect champion performance. It's a law of nature.


Here's a video on how a unique competition bird is being trained EVERYDAY, this bird hunches up like a dog and raises its feathers on its neck and back, pretty unusual.


Video link -



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